Sep 062020

Late afternoon shadows are lengthening over the crater Cleomedes. However, a gap in the crater rim allows one remaining ray of light into the crater. The remaining sunlight illuminates a rille on the crater floor, the rims of interior craters Cleomedes B & J, as well as the remnant of a central rebound peak, which casts its own long shadows. The 126 km (76 mi) wide crater is classified as a walled plain and lies on the northern border of Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises).

Crater Cleomedes is named for the ancient Greek Astronomer Cleomedes.

The low light angle also highlights the prominent Dorsum Oppel paralleling the northern circular boundary of the Mare. The ridge has been measured roughly 300 km long, up to 400 m high and, at places, 30+ km wide.

The dorsum is named for the German paleontologist Carl Albert Oppel.

 Posted by at 14:16

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