Sep 122011

Saturday night the impending full moon pretty much drowned out any dim object imaging.  But Vulpeula’s Dumbbell Nebula is not a dim object.  Several sources state that this is a binocular object.  The recorded magnitude of 7.5 implies it is, but I have not tried to see it with my binoculars. 

”]This is the first planetary nebula listed in Messrs. Messier’s famous list of not-comets and one of only four. If you concentrate on the reddish portion of the nebula you will see the pinched shape that gave rise to the common name. 

This is my first attempt at imaging M27.  Right now the nebula is almost directly overhead and I had to limit my color exposure count to finish before the telescope struck the pier.  Even so, I was still able to get an hour of exposures.  As usual North is to the right and East is up.

 Posted by at 20:58
Dec 312010


This is the Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) in the constellation Cygnus (The Swan).  The bright star in the center of the picture (HD 192163), known as a Wolf-Rayet star, is a massive star nearing the end of its life.  Earlier in its elderly life the star became a red giant and shed its outer layers into space at the relatively slow speed of about 20,000 mph.  A subsequent event, powered by deeper more energetic layers, ejected gas at the much higher speed of about 3,000,000 mph.  What we see is the second wave of gas running into the first and ultraviolet energy from the stars core causing the piled up gas to glow.  This is all a precursor to a future supernova.

 The Crescent Nebula is about 5,000 light years(Ly) away and is about 18Ly by 25Ly in size.

 This nebula is a fairly faint nebula.  The image is a stack of 120 30-second exposures (L:30x30s,R:30x30s,G:30x30s,B:30x30s).  With only 30-second exposures the image only shows the brightest part of the whole nebula.

As with most of my images North is to the right and East is toward the top.

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