Feb 182022

You might have noticed that some of the weather data has not updated for a couple of days. That is due to me closely following instructions from Davis Instruments to update the firmware in the Ethernet interface of the weather receiver. The upgrade procedure ran about 1/3 of the way to completion and then ‘failed on page 256’. There is no way to roll back the ‘update’ so the receiver sits on the shelf.

I sent an email to the support address for Davis Instruments and fairly quickly received a response saying a problem ticket had been created. However, I’m not confident in a quick solution. The email stated that response time may be a little delayed “During this holiday season…”. It is now mid February.

The weather station is still fine and reports to my local console, but right now there is no way to get the data transferred to the computer and thus to the PTO web page. Without the ability to get the data into the observatory systems, a working weather station is pretty much useless.

So, please bear with me until either a fix is provided by Davis or I have to purchase a new receiver interface.

 Posted by at 10:44

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