May 082017

In support of NASA’s JunoCam project I’ve been concentrating on planetary imaging for several days now. My regular capture procedure is to record a 60 second video with a 240 second pause between each, which gives me one exposure every 5 minutes. Jupiter’s rapid rotation will be come evident at longer exposure times and one shot every 5 minutes will not fill up the disk too quickly.

This is an animation of last nights imagery. The jump midway in the video is the time gap at the german equitorial mount’s meridian flip. I should be able to minimize the effect with tonight’s session, it will just take more supervision than last night.

I have reduced the FOV enough that the capture software (FireCapture) can get 30 frames per second out of the camera giving the raw video 1800 frames. I usually stack the best 25% of each raw video and I will upload 4 stacked exposures or so to the JunoCam web site. The image quality by a 10″ scope at sea level is definitely not the best but maybe it will help at some point.

 Posted by at 15:14