May 072018

Today’s APOD is one of my favorites. NASA’s image, taken from lunar orbit, shows the central rebound peak of crater Tycho. The detail is phenomenal but should be expected considering the picture was taken from an orbital altitude of 31 miles by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).
My picture of Tycho was taken from considerably farther away.

However, even from 234,010 miles, the detail is good enough to correlate my image to the LRO’s. The arrow shows the sight line of the LRO image. The central peaks rises just under 1 mile high in the 53 mile wide crater. Analysis shows the relatively young crater is only 108 million years old.

The crater is named for Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), the preeminent observational astronomer of his day. The Danish astronomer is known for his comprehensive and precise naked-eye planetary measurements as well as his artificial nose.

 Posted by at 19:34

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