Mar 292011

The comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann is currently undergoing one of its random outbursts.  I measured it at a magnitude of about 14.0.  While processing the 9 images I was surprised to see an additional object moving very close to the comet.  It is seen as a streak of dots left of the comet.  This turned out to be minor planet (19698) 1999 SR4.  It is quite bright and I can’t believe I didn’t see the movement while taking the images.

”]I also need to update an earlier observation I reported.  My initial evaluation of the footlights in the observatory has proven incorrect.

During the alignment and calibration process I have been getting a strong glow in some of my images.  I have been blaming the street light across the street from my house.  It is high and bright enough to light the top of some of the trees in my back yard.  The observatory dome is also high enough that some of the street light falls on it.  I attributed the image glow to that light reflecting off the dome into the dome room.  So I took some time Thursday night to see if I could position the dome to block the incoming light.  No arrangement of dome position or amount of shutter closure would block the light.  Just as a sanity check, I closed the shutter;  the glow was still visible in the images.  Even though I cannot see any red light on the inside of the dome from the safety footlights, it is obvious my camera can. 

I am glad that the fix will be as easy as always turning off the footlights when exiting the dome room.  I was envisioning having to replace the street lights with more modern, less intrusive models.

 Posted by at 21:56
Mar 222011

We had a weather front come through on the 9th of March and it dumped 2.2 inches of rain in 2 hours with wind gusting to 15mph.  No rain made it in the observatory so it appears that the last re-seal of the dome skirt was successfull.  I consider the event significant enough to prove (to myself) the weather tightness of dome and I feel more confident about it protecting the equipment that is installed.

I have moved the weather server into the observatory; it has been in the house up to this point.  I still need to mount the cloud monitoring equipment.  Future plans call for a web cam for the weather page and an all-sky camera.

The camera cooling plumbing has been installed.  There was a minor leak that was fixed and I wired in a 24vac power supply.  The sprinkler valve has been tested allowing me to turn on and off the cooling water remotely.


As you may have heard, the full moon this past Saturday was within an hour of perigee.  Perigee is the closest position in an orbit of the earth.  This makes the moon appear larger and brighter due to the proximity.  As you might guess, the brightness interferes with any deep sky imagery so I took this opportunity to reconfigure the telescope for my Nikon D50. I took this image Thursday night; two days early.   I set the camera as fast as it would go and took 60 exposures.  The software registered each exposure as taking 0 seconds.  This is a full color image as can been seen by the bluish cast to the Sea of Tranquility.

 Posted by at 21:14